1. Strategy Planning and Support
Analyze the tactical and operational planning processes through which measures are established to assess Sasria accomplishments of its strategic objectives.
- Assist the strategy team to facilitate strategic planning process and monitor execution.
2. Data Analysis and Insights
Identify key metrics and goals that should measure business performance and strategy execution across the financial, impact, and strategic measures, and then conduct in-depth modeling and analysis to measure those goals.
- Analyzing market trends and benchmarking to provide timely insights to various departments and inform recommendations to leadership and management regarding business development opportunities.
- Communicate research/ analysis findings to stakeholders.
3. Project Management Assistance
Analyze the development of timely and comprehensive plans which represent the most efficient and effective use of human, physical and financial resources, and work effectively with other offices to achieve common objectives and assure that allocated resources are efficiently deployed and productively utilized.
- Manage multiple projects at once across a diverse set of stakeholders to advance strategic priorities, working across Sasria departments to operationalize Sasria strategy.
- Providing project management support for key strategic initiatives.
4. Communication and Collaboration
Collaborate with the marketing and change management teams to develop communication materials for various stakeholders.
- Assist coordinate strategy workshops (draft papers/create agenda, organise dates / venues arrange guest speakers etc.)